This website, hereinafter referred to as the “Website,” is owned by Adapta Fit S.L. (hereinafter "Company" or "we"), a commercial entity established under Spanish law, with its registered office at Vía Venta Rampias No. 4, Door 2, 23294, Santiago-Pontones, Jaén, Spain, registered in the Mercantile Registry, and with NIF B13994785.

In addition to the registered office, users can contact us at the following email address: [email protected], where they can direct their requests, questions, or complaints.

Accessing and using the Website grants you the status of User, which implies adherence to this Legal Notice in the version published at the time of access. If you do not agree with it, you should refrain from accessing the Website or using the services provided through it.

This Legal Notice is governed by the principles of legality and good faith, with the User committing to use the Website, as well as the information or services provided, in accordance with the law, morals, good customs, and public order. Unauthorized use of the information contained on this Website, its resale, or the infringement of third-party rights will lead to legally established liabilities.

We recommend paying attention to and reading our policies related to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, especially before making purchases or providing your data. Access to certain Content, Products, and/or Services offered through the Website may be subject to specific conditions which, in some cases, replace, complement, and/or modify this Legal Notice. Therefore, prior to accessing and/or using such Content, Products, and/or Services, the User should also carefully read the corresponding specific conditions. In case of discrepancy between this Legal Notice and the specific conditions of each service, the latter will prevail.

The Company is not responsible for misuse or improper appropriation of the content or information published on the Website. The user acknowledges and accepts that all information and/or content accessed through the Website is for their exclusive personal and non-transferable use. It is prohibited to transfer to third parties any part of the information and/or content accessed through the Website.


Registration is not required for access and navigation. However, Users who wish can register and obtain exclusive benefits such as speeding up the purchase process, receiving special offers, notifications about events and exclusive raffles for registered users, checking order status, etc.

The Company commits to handling and processing all data of registered users in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

The User agrees to provide truthful, accurate, and complete data and to update all provided data to keep it truthful, accurate, and complete.

Once registered, the User agrees to protect and use their access credentials diligently, and to immediately inform the Company of any incidents such as theft, loss, or unauthorized access that could lead to misuse, so that immediate cancellation can be made. The Company will not be responsible for the consequences of misuse of access credentials.

User passwords are personal and must not be used by third parties. Others are not permitted to use them under the risk of identity theft.

The user registration process is considered a formalization of a legally binding contract between the Company and the user, in accordance with the terms of this Legal Notice and the registration conditions included herein.

The registered user acknowledges that they have read and understood the terms and conditions of this Legal Notice and the registration conditions included, and that they agree to comply with all its provisions. They also acknowledge having read and accepted the Privacy Policy.

Industrial/Intellectual Property

The domain and is owned by the Company. All intellectual and industrial property rights (including copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade names, database rights, and design rights) and all information and material (including all logos, graphics, and software) provided through this website are the property of the Company, or are used with the consent of the relevant rights holders, and are explicitly reserved.

The user expressly acknowledges this ownership and understands that they do not acquire any rights over them, nor can they modify or use them. All such content, without express written and signed consent from its owners, will be unauthorized use. The user is not authorized to use the Company's trademarks as links on any other website without the Company's written consent.

The use of this website and its content, or the acquisition of products through it, does not in any way imply the granting of any rights or assignment related to copyrights, designs, trademarks, and any other intellectual or industrial property rights related to the Content (as described in the Content section below), including the Company's software and all HTML and other codes contained on this website and/or with the purchased products. Such Content, including third-party trademarks, designs, and intellectual property rights mentioned or shown on this website, is protected by national intellectual property laws and other international treaty provisions.